Camila Fierro

@ NFT artist

We are all connected by one trace, where people’s actions can affect the whole world like its happening in COVID times.

I’m a civil engineer, but I discovered that the bridges I want to build are between people, and I use technology to do it.

I started taking photographs, then I created my wearable art fashion line using my art work. The pieces are embroidered by hand. This led me to draw portraits that have been sent to 30 countries, both in digital and physical formats.

I always carry my notebook with me when I go to museums in order to draw the works of great masters in a single trace. I always carry my notebook with me when I go to museums in order to draw the works of great masters in a single trace.

I am a member of Global Shaper, an initiative by the World Economic Forum; an ambassador for One Young World, the world’s largest conference of young leaders; an EXMA speaker and I represent my generation at EXPO DUBAI.

I’m co-founder of the biggest NFTs telegram group o Latinamerica were we are more than 1500 among artists, collectors and curious people who want to learn.

Forbes has taken me out 2, one of my piece flew to space with Jeff Bezos (look Blue origin tweet to believe it! 😀 and painted for women day for Vogue.

When I was 17 years old, I created my NGO “Ya Tengo Donde Escribir”,  where we make notebooks out of cereal boxes and recycled paper for low-income children and now we want to give away tablets.

I am making my traces known so I can continue to tell stories. I invite you to be a part of this one.

Here is my link so you can explore more about my metaverse.